Arthur Sarnoff Arthur Sarnoff

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Arthur Sarnoff
(1912 - 2000)

Student of John Clymer and Andrew Wyeth. Much work for weekly and monthly mags from the 30s on and ads for Karo Syrup (Karo Kid is a 40s icon), Dextrose (ditto the Sugar Blonde), Lucky Strike, Coors, Camay, Sal Hepatica, Listerine, Vick's Vapo Rub, Meds, Ipana. Illustrations for McCall's, American Weekly, Collier's, Woman's Home Companion, Redbook, American Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Good Housekeeping. Portraits of President and Mrs Kennedy. Two subjects keep him famous: popular and tasteful pin-up girl calendars and the pool playing (and card playing and golfing) dogs, of which, "The Hustler" one was the best-selling print of the 1950s. Usually signed art, using full name, or "Sarnoff," or just "AS."

Story Art (19??) Sarnoff - 001A

Corby's, "Thanks - And The Same To You" (1947) Sarnoff - 002

American Weekly (1954) Sarnoff - 003

American Weekly (1958) Sarnoff - 004

American Weekly (1959) Sarnoff - 005

American Weekly, "Tragic Bird Of Paradise" (1951) Sarnoff - 006

McCall's, "I Didn't Want To Love You" (1946) Sarnoff - 007

Woman's Home Companion, "Monday Morning" (1951) Sarnoff - 008

Dextrose (1956) Sarnoff - 009

Dextrose (1950) Sarnoff - 010

Evening In Paris (1948) Sarnoff - 011

McCall's, "When Two Or Three Shall Meet" (1944) Sarnoff - 012

Fruit of the Loom (1954) Sarnoff - 013

Fruit of the Loom (1954) Sarnoff - 014

Woman's Home Companion (1946) Sarnoff - 015

Calendar Art (19??) Sarnoff - 016

Ipana (1943) Sarnoff - 017

Ipana (1943) Sarnoff - 018

Calendar Art (1943) Sarnoff - 019

Jack The Ripper (19??) Sarnoff - 020

Collier's, "Thousands Of Beautiful Girls" (1950) Sarnoff - 021

Vick's Vapo Rub (1946) Sarnoff - 022

Meds (1944, 1945) Sarnoff - 023

American Magazine (1955) Sarnoff - 024

McCall's, "The Sublimation Of Mrs. Potter" (19??) Sarnoff - 025

Listerine, "His Lifelong Friend..." (1943) Sarnoff - 026

Karo, "Mother's MY Pin-Up Girl" (1944) Sarnoff - 027

Karo, "The Jack Of Hearts..." (1950) Sarnoff - 028

Karo, "...And First In The Hearts Of Pie Lovers!" (1950) Sarnoff - 029

Karo, "See Here, Private Hargrove!" (1943) Sarnoff - 030