(???? - ????)
For decades, Berry's cartoon girls were an attribute to numerous magazines, including Sunday Pictorial Review (for which he often did covers and feature pages like "Berry's World"), Esquire, Liberty, Joker, Valor, The New Yorker, and many others. Ad work for Mennen.
Michael Berry
Palm Restaurant (1976) - Berry 001A
Sunday Pictorial Review (1943) - Berry 002
Sunday Pictorial Review (1951) - Berry 003
Joker, "Girl Meets...?" (1943) - Berry 004
Sunday Pictorial Review, "Stocks and Blondes" (1955) - Berry 005
Joker, "Sneak Preview" (1943) - Berry 006
Collier's, "Asano and the Tough General" (1950) - Berry 007
Esquire (1946) - Berry 008
Liberty, "Tunnel of Love" (1940) - Berry 009
Driving Instructor (19??) - Berry 010A
Sunday Pictorial Review (1957) - Berry 011
Esquire (1946) - Berry 012
Sunday Pictorial Review (1948) - Berry 013
Sunday Pictorial Review (1951) - Berry 014
Mennen (1951) - Berry 015
Esquire (1957) - Berry 016
Martini & Rossi (1947) - Berry 017
Valor, Michael Beery at work (1943) - Berry 018